Under the Merchant Accounts section of the PayFac dashboard it is possible to view the current onboarding status.
The image below shows two recently added Merchants within the Partner account. The column to the furthest right shows the current status as "Bank Boarding".
Below is a list of the different onboarding statuses:
Status | Description |
pendingChecks | The Onboarding Application will be validated against the Underwriting Workflow associated with it when the Onboarding Application was created or requested by retry functionality. |
checking | The Underwriting Workflow starts the validation process following the defined Rules. |
inProgress | The Underwriting Workflow finished in Review status, or the Account provided additional information (usually documents), so the Underwriter manually reviews the Onboarding Application. |
pended | The Underwriter requested additional information (usually documents) from the Account to validate the provided input during the Onboarding Application and is awaiting that information. |
withdrawn | The Account requested to remove their Onboarding Application. |
autoApproved | The Underwriting Workflow finished in Accept status, so the Onboarding Application was automatically approved. |
manuallyApproved | The Underwriter manually approved the Onboarding Application after the manual review process. |
autoDeclined | The Underwriting Workflow finished in Reject status, so the Onboarding Application was automatically declined. |
declined | The Underwriter manually declined the Onboarding Application after the manual review process. |
errored | The Underwriting Workflow process failed due to any reason. |
bankBoarding | The Onboarding Application was accepted, so the Account will start the Bank Boarding process with Elavon and Dwolla (only if Dwolla Agreements were taken and the Onboarding Application belongs to the USA). |
webhooks | The Bank Boarding process started, and we're awaiting notification results (webhooks) from Elavon, Dwolla, or both. This status is reached only if Elavon and Dwolla are in `webhooks` status. |
approved | The Bank Boarding process with Elavon (Canadian Accounts) or Elavon and Dwolla (USA Accounts + Dwolla Terms and Conditions accepted) was completed successfully. |
bankBoardingError | The Bank Boarding process failed for any reason and will start again. |
reviewNeeded | The Underwriter suspects wrong or outdated data or business changes from an approved Account, and it's necessary to re-review it. |
inRiskReview | The Underwriter suspects illegal activity (fraud, money laundering, etc.) from an approved Account, and performing a Risk Review is necessary. |
accountClosed | Exact Payments or the Account decided to shut down their relationship due to their best interests. |
terminated | Exact Payments terminated their relationship with the Account due to illegal activity (fraud, money laundering, etc.). |
finished | Final status is reached when the Onboarding Application doesn't receive any other action to execute for a specific time (5 seconds). |